
While I was growing up, my mother used to sing me this song:

Have patience, have patience
Don't be in such a hurry
When you get impatient, you only start to worry
Remember, remember that God is patient, too
And think of all the times when others have to wait for you

I recently made a [poor] choice that was made out of impatience, not faith. Impatience is something I've struggled with; I constantly need to remind myself that I cannot do things from my own power.

Why steal a gift out of the closet when our Heavenly Daddy has the perfect gift for us handcrafted and just waiting to be opened? We just have to wait for Him to give it to us. It's in HIS timing, not ours.

Most people, if they know they are going to a buffet, will eat very little the rest of the day in order to prepare. They will be mindful of what they eat knowing that they need to save their appetite for later. Who goes to a buffet with a full stomach? Why, then, would we eat yesterday's leftovers knowing that we're going to have a very satisfying meal in just a couple of hours? Why snack on crackers before you leave if you know when you get there you can eat whatever you want?

Just like making any decisions out of fear, distrust or impatience, it doesn't benefit us to eat crap before our feast. We cannot ask God to lead us but then  keep running off the path He's set for us to do our own thing. He will provide for our needs but He cannot show us that He will if we never allow ourselves to be truly needy.

This means that sacrifices might need to be made. Sometimes we have to say "no" to good things or desires in order to continue fulfilling God's purpose for our lives. We often forget that there isn't anything we can do in our own power that will compare to what He has for us anyway.
