
When you experience God's love for you firsthand, your life changes.
You never experience things the same again, especially if you've taken that love and invited God into your heart so that He can change you and heal you. Your spirit and heart are renewed. The Holy Spirit lights a fire in you and the flame of God is so incredibly powerful. You become a new person. You are born again.

I experienced God's love on new year's eve. It moved me, and I haven't been the same since. Even just doing every day things like taking a shower, brushing my teeth, or going to the store are different. You just experience things differently.

Today I decided to get rid of things in my apartment that misrepresent who I am in God. I am the daughter of the most high God, and to be honest some of the things from my past that I've been keeping around just don't do me justice. It was time to get rid of them.

Childhood diaries or journals are one of the worst culprits. If you ever kept one, or multiple in my case, you know that within the pages there is heart break, angst, misunderstanding and intense emotion. Most people write about the pain they endured in their teenage years and the awkward and often difficult transition from childhood to adulthood. I know I did. And within my diary pages there were fantasies of the boys I wanted to be with; the self-loathing; recollections of the hurtful things said to me and all the disappointments I experienced that I just couldn't process or understand at that age. On a few of the pages there was even blood stains from when I would self-mutilate and beat myself up verbally.

God doesn't want us to remember all those times we were hurt in the past. By holding on to my diaries, I was holding on to the hurt. Not to mention that I'm not even that person anymore. I'm not that angsty, lonely, lost and hurting teenage girl that is represented in those diaries. I'm not even the same person as I was 11 months ago.

The diaries were just the beginning. I threw 4 of them out. I also threw out my tarot cards, rune stones, and magic journal. I don't need those things to talk to God; I have a personal relationship with Him. Those things were from before, when I didn't know what to think about anything and I had no direction. I have a clearer vision of my purpose and calling now. I'm here to serve my Heavenly Daddy and to bring revival and hope to our generation. God loves us so much and it's so sad to know that His messages have gotten so warped.

I also threw away other things that represented temptation and weren't of God. Sex toys, condoms, drug paraphernalia, racy photos of me, letters from old boyfriends and friends. Negative poetry I wrote while I was in high school. I got rid of it all. Of course I silently said goodbye, and some things were harder to get rid of than others. When it comes down to it though, you need to be willing to give anything up for God. When your eyes are on the Lord nothing else can be distracting you, otherwise it takes away from Him.

By getting rid of these things I am declaring that I am not defined by them.
I am not a sex object. I am not preoccupied by lust. I am not meant to experience sex alone and I don't want to take away from what I'm saving for my future husband. I am not someone who needs drugs to fill a void. I'm not a drug addict, and I'm not desperate to escape my life. I am not fat, unloved, unworthy, insecure, stupid, a bother, a waste of time, a bitch, weak, ugly, useless, unheard, or anything else mentioned in the diaries of my past. I am not nobody. I am not homeless, I am not alone, and I am not pathetic. I am not a bad friend, an unsatisfying girlfriend, or a horrible daughter. I am not a failure. I am not too much and I am enough just as I am. I'm not defined by my past. I AM NOT DEFINED BY MY PAST. 

I am so grateful that our Father is so loving and forgiving. His grace frees us from sin and only He is my judge. Not the boys and girls I went to school with. Not my ex-boyfriends or failed friendships. Not my teachers and not even my parents. Just Jesus, my Lord and Savior. God delights in me and every one of us. Before we were born, our paths were already chosen. God picked every single fiber of our being and wove us together Himself; He knows us intimately.

So take a minute, or like me, a few hours, and really think about the things you keep and why you keep them. Are you holding on to things that aren't doing you justice? You aren't defined by those lies spoken over you by other people or things. If nothing else, show God you are willing to give up anything for Him.
