The Time is Now

I am faithfully expectant for 2017.

I believe it’s a year where there will be an outpouring of God’s blessings that we have prayed for but lost hope in; desires that we’ve long forgotten. The enemy has discouraged and delayed, but he is defeated! Powerless to close the doors God has opened and just as powerless to open those that God has shut. I’ve seen so many get disappointed; that maybe their hearts desires are unattainable. There’s been fear that they aren’t doing something right. They begin to doubt that God is who He says He is. Perhaps they aren’t who they thought God said they were. That somehow they are disqualified from God’s best.

Sometimes, the door is actually wide open, but we’ve convinced ourselves that it’s closed.

With that being said, I also believe that 2017 will be a time of refinement and character development. Our ungodly beliefs and attitudes can affect how we perceive and receive the blessings that God has in the storehouse for us. It’s up to our character to keep us where God’s favour takes us. We need to stand steadfast and wait with great faith and expectation that regardless of what happens around us, God is who He says He is.

Just as importantly though, do not let the accusations drown out that still small voice that you ARE who He says you are, and because of that, He has more for you than you could even imagine. The only way you can disqualify yourself is by not believing in His goodness. He is the King of keeping promises. In fact, He is the kept promise. Do not stop contending, do not stop standing in the gap for your loved ones, do not stop interceding, do not lose hope. Do not yield to the things that Satan will try to throw your way to convince you to give up on the Promised Land that is coming.

It is coming.
