Courage Over Comfort

On Monday nights, I attend a women’s group that is reading a book about the negative effects of perfectionism . Every week, there’s practical homework that’s designed to help us overcome negative thought patterns, which can really hinder finding joy in life. Last week, part of the homework was to practice asking for help. As a [recovering] perfectionist, this is hard to do. It’s uncomfortable, and it’s vulnerable, and it’s definitely admitting that I don’t have it all together. Truth be told, I’m pretty sure everyone and their grandma knows that I don’t have it all together, but the possible rejection if that person doesn’t want to meet my newly exposed need is an overwhelming fear. However, things don’t change in a person’s comfort zone so courage over comfort is the motto I do my best to live by these days. I was sitting at home one night last week, thinking about what more I can do. Accountability has been a hot topic for me l...