There's Beauty in the Process

I used to wish that I could lose all of my excess weight in the blink of an eye. Honestly sometimes I still do, but I’ve started to realize that in order to have long-term success, I’m going to need to practice making good decisions. Over and over, time and time again, in many different situations and seasons, I’ll be faced with choices. Should I go for a walk? Should I eat that? When should I go to bed tonight? There are so many choices we are all faced with every day. The culmination of those choices become our lifestyle, and that lifestyle affects our bodies. Most people have heard some form of the saying, “It’s about the journey, not the destination,” but have you ever stopped to think about why? Why is the journey so important? I was reflecting about the value of the journey. What does it have that the destination doesn’t? As I’ve overcome personal challenges in my life, I’ve noticed that it was during the waiting and perseverance that I grew the most in ...