Let Faith Arise
"You are called into greatness. As a royal daughter of God, you are engineered for eternity, designed to make a difference. No one can take your place in God's heart, in His Kingdom, in His family. All through eternity, you will still be bringing delight to God and smiles to the faces of your brothers and sisters who dearly love you. Filled with the wisdom of the ages, every word that comes from your mouth will impart encouragement and life to those around you. But don't expect to start out with a limousine and bodyguards. The path to your true potential seldom starts with glitter and glamour, nor does it begin with an infinitely complex problem to solve. Instead, it starts right where you are, with the mundane stuff of everyday life. There you form the strength of character that God requires for the great assignments He has waiting for you. A simple act of obedience, a kind word, a selfless deed.... these are the building blocks of greatness. Every day, as you spend tim...