
Showing posts from November, 2011

Daddy Issues

Wow what a weekend.   I went to a healing retreat with some young adults from my church. My friend Elyse and I carpooled up to the campground with 2 girls we didn't know from a different campus. They were very sweet girls and we got along very well. The first night we covered Father Heart, which included how people often project their experiences and feelings towards their earthly fathers onto God. We took time to forgive our fathers and we released some of those lies of who God really is. In all the ways our fathers have let us down, our Heavenly Daddy will especially make sure He's there for. Also, in all the ways our fathers have made us smile, God will do times a million. He delights in us. For some, their fathers were abusive. They said cruel things out of frustration and irritation. For others, their fathers were absent, creating the ungodly belief that they are not worthy of being loved. These are the lies the enemy has told us. Some fathers call their children names:...

Let's make a forest

We are all fruit trees but many of us bear bitter fruit.  We must reach our roots into God's love and our branches into the community. We must allow the love to soak into us.  When the Holy Spirit gets inside, different fruit will pop up: Instead of anger, there will be love. Instead of sadness there will be joy, and instead of fear, there will be peace. ♥


When you experience God's love for you firsthand, your life changes. You never experience things the same again, especially if you've taken that love and invited God into your heart so that He can change you and heal you. Your spirit and heart are renewed. The Holy Spirit lights a fire in you and the flame of God is so incredibly powerful. You become a new person. You are born again. I experienced God's love on new year's eve. It moved me, and I haven't been the same since. Even just doing every day things like taking a shower, brushing my teeth, or going to the store are different. You just experience things differently. Today I decided to get rid of things in my apartment that misrepresent who I am in God. I am the daughter of the most high God, and to be honest some of the things from my past that I've been keeping around just don't do me justice. It was time to get rid of them. Childhood diaries or journals are one of the worst culprits. If you ev...